About Us - For all the information on managing the stress

Who is on our team?

We are a group of healthcare professionals with decades of experience caring for patients under severe stress.

Why stress on ‘stress’?

Stress is a physical, emotional or psychological strain felt as a response to anything that requires our attention. It can be handy in short bursts – such as during a predatory attack or a looming deadline. However, it can adversely affect us in the long run.

In this fast-paced life, we never truly go offline. The barrage of information that we are bombarded with on a day to day basis can leave us overwhelmed and can be too much for our brains to handle. Besides, the expectations that your work, relationships, and society at large have placed on you can become too much to bear. Sometimes, the tiniest of things can break us; that is not due to one incident alone, but due to the constant pressure that we are straining under.

On the other hand, hitting a therapist’s couch might not be possible for all – financial constraints, as well as the stigma associated with mental health in certain cultures, may prevent many from seeking help from the right sources. Moreover, your friends and family might not understand the severity of the tress that you are undergoing. This is where we want to help.

What do we do?

We run a website about stress management.

That may not answer your question entirely, but it gives you an understanding of what our website does in a nutshell.

How do we do it?

We provide a wide variety of methods to disseminate information about stress and how you can cope with anxiety.

1. Blog Posts
This is one of the easiest and the most preferable way of learning and understanding complex topics. You are in control of the pace that you want to read, and eventually be able to control your stressors.

2. Videos
Visual media is a powerful tool in our arsenal – and we use it to explain topics that cannot be described just with the help of words. Head over to our videos section for more details.

3. Podcasts
If you are an auditory learner or someone who prefers getting their facts during a long commute, we’re all ears to your request. Tune in to listen to our experts give an in-depth analysis of the various techniques you can utilise to pull yourself together.

Don’t let stress dictate how you feel and how you act.

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About Us

We are a group of healthcare professionals with decades of experience caring for patients under severe stress.

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